A downloadable game for Windows

# Grocery Run

Everyone knows you **HAVE** to carry all your grocery bags in one trip or it doesn't count. Play as bag lady, carry as many groceries as you can handle but be careful because the more you carry the slower you move - you may need to dodge a rogue gang of geese that are out to steal those groceries. Get as many groceries to the end as quick as possible!

# Controls 

- Third person controls - mouse to look around, WASD to move

- F to pickup items

- G to drop items

- P to pause/resume game

- Alt + F4 to quit :) 

# Tech

- Created entirely in Blueprints!

- Unreal Engine 5.3

- Platform: Windows Only

# Credits

- all my friends for bouncing ideas off of 😁

- [Animated Woman by Quaternius](https://poly.pizza/m/9kF7eTDbhO)

- [Lesser snow goose by Poly by Google](https://poly.pizza/m/5d10ZQ9QzuS) [CC-BY  via Poly Pizza](https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/)

- [trah bag grey by Jens Kull](https://poly.pizza/m/axTuG36RXnN) [CC-BY via Poly Pizza](https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/)

- [Road Kit by Kenney](https://poly.pizza/m/YClppstaHV)

- [Airport Lounge by code_box](https://freesound.org/people/code_box/sounds/651533/)

# Devlog

Another solo entry to Ludum Dare, I didn't accomplish as much as I originally wanted (per usual) but I did enjoy learning new things and felt a lot more comfortable in the 3D space. I may continue to iterate with the new 3 week option to see if I can get this into a more complete game.

Some additional notes:

- Picking up multiple items and storing them without an actual inventory system proved interesting. I ended up using the socket manager to fulfill this but quickly encountered may problems with this as you drop, the goose steals. Figuring out the collision/overlap logic was interesting.

Changed some stuff at the end to cleanup the blueprints and broke the tracking/dropping so it’s a bit jank, won’t be able to fix before end of jam cry


LD54_DevBuild.zip 621 MB

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